
Jogja Heritage Societyウェブサイト

ジャワ地震被災支援を呼びかけているJogja Heritage Societyのウェブサイトが立ち上がりました。以下へアクセスしてみてください。

Jogja Heritage Society


Jogja Heritage Society が中心に活動を行います。
*義援金は全てJogja Heritage Society に手渡します。

*Yayasan Royal Silk が中心に活動を行ないます。

Jogja Heritage Society代表のSita女史から、最新の状況に関する英文のメールが届きました。以下をご覧ください。


Daily the list of damaged, lost and destroyed heritage mounts. It's impossible to imagine the how quickly this occured, and to gauge the effects on the people of Yogya in their daily lives.

The attached is our last data--please feel free to add or elaborate on it. We especially need to detail this information as well as assess the specialists we require for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the heritage buildings...and the monies that will be needed.

For the time being the estimation of the budget that we need is around Rp 300 M (USD 33 million) to cover the traditional houses in Kotagede, Imogiri, Plered and the numerous other enclaves whose residences will not be able to pay for this themselves.

We have attempted to document the work programs on the attached sheets and set weekly priorities beginning the 5th of June 2006. These include:

1) the distribution of daily food, living and housing needs and we urgently require cooking utensils and the repairs to houses, concentrating on the areas that we consider heritage districts.

2) The quick assessment of Kotagede and Imogiri and the Keraton complex to form the basis of our Foster Buildings program--using young architects in Yoygakarta from various schools in the city. We have set up three main posts in each of these locations under the leadership fo Pak Rudi Pesik, Posko Pusaka Kotagede opened in his house. For the Post Imogiri in the traditional home of Pak Marman that represents one of the two joglo houses that was safe from destruction in the village of Imogiri. While this activity progresses, we still need volunteers...who can help? Who can create a field school? Please come! There is much to be done!.

3) Colleagues from mAAN have quickly assessed damage in the 2 Dalem (palace) which suffered much damage, those of the Pujokusuman and Pugeran...

4) Since yesterday, Monday, we have made a website, while still incomplete. The address is www.jogjaheritage.org. Please send your comments.

5) We have planned our "Program Orang tua Asuh Pusaka" (Foster Parents Heritage) program especially for the traditional houses in Kotagede and Imogiri

6) We have diseminated the brief summary "Bangun Kembali Bangunan dan Kawasan Pusaka" (Rebuilding the Heritage District).

7) We have begun a program called "Bangkitkan Kembali Pusaka Rakyat Jogja" (Revive the Heritage of the Yogya People) in Imogiri with a new studio amongst the badly struck batik workers so they they have a place to continue their work and fix their houses. This has been done with the cooperation of the Paguyuban Pecinta Batik Sekarjagad Batik Foundation and many other partners.

8) A clinic for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of heritage buildings (Klinik Rehabilitasi & rekonstruksi Bangunan Pusaka) that require a number of volunteers--and again, we are running out of HRD sources ....so Come to Yogya!

So for the time being, this is what the priorities are this week...
Kind regards,

Sita Adishakti

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